The Family Court
While the New York Family Court system was originally imagined as one without lawyers, over time the process has become so complicated that those who are unrepresented often come up short. Women living in poverty spend months, even years, moving through New York Family Court to secure basic freedoms like personal autonomy, financial independence, and safety from abuse. Stalled custody or support proceedings often lead to financial and family instability, a burden that is most often shouldered by women. For more than 30 years, Her Justice has provided needed legal representation to thousands of women each year, creating the opportunity for our clients to be part of decisions that shape their future. But the demand for legal assistance far outstrips the available resources, leaving many women to navigate Family Court alone.
Storytelling Through Civil Court Data
Her Justice believes that data from the civil justice system illustrating the nature of participants’ experiences and outcomes is critical for accountability. Given the relative invisibility of the experience of attorneys and litigants in Family Court, and the far-reaching impact of Family Court decisions on the lives of indigent New Yorkers, we know that collecting and sharing information is critical for court reform. Data shines a light on challenges and inequities, and it gives credence to Her Justice and allied advocates as we persuade policymakers on sensible solutions for needed reforms.
Report From Court
Building on our groundbreaking Child Support Court Watch initiative, Her Justice launched Report From Court in 2024 to create a platform for “real time” public reporting on the experiences of attorneys in New York City Family Court. Report From Court collects information from Her Justice staff attorneys and pro bono attorneys working with our clients about their experiences in Family Court by having them answer a brief survey after they conclude a court appearance. Survey responses related to litigant demographics, case types, court appearance outcomes, and litigants’ meaningful participation in court are aggregated and displayed on the Report From Court website to increase transparency of the day-to-day experiences of those navigating the Family Court system. Data collected through Report From Court also invigorates public awareness of the significance of this court system, especially for people living in poverty who rely on it most. It also supports the advocacy of Her Justice and allies for improvements in Family Court.